Writing Tips, Samples and News for Students

Top 5 Worst Sources to Find Professional Writers for Hire

When it comes to dealing with academic papers, students often search for professional writers for hire to help them cope with their assignments. The first thing that they pay attention to is the price, and it becomes their biggest problem. While it is possible to find a good writer for a low cost, you have to search for them thoroughly. There are many questionable sources that would be happy to take your money and give you a plagiarized paper (or nothing!) in return. Watch out for the following 5 worst sources to find professional writers for hire.

1. Social Networks

Don’t look for writers on social networks. Writers promoting themselves on social media are less likely to be reliable. While you may be able to read “reviews,” these can easily be fabricated by friends of the self-proclaimed writer or by fake social media accounts that the writer has created him/herself. It is quite tempting to hire an ‘experienced’ writer while you’re browsing Facebook, but the moments you save will pale in comparison to the headache of getting back a poor quality paper.

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Reflective Essay on American Literature

American literature is very rich in the past historical events that took place on this great continent.

Many of the past generations witnessed the turnout of events from the time the continent was not yet independent to the time it became a sovereign entity. There were so many battles that were fought to build this country. For instance, the long and great Civil War in America took place from 1861-1865. Struggles took place off the battle field, as well. African Americans and the American Indians had to fight for their rights to be recognized.

This is evident because there was no black national leader until recently when Obama was elected as the first African American president. American minority groups were deprived of their rights until in the 1960s when there was a federal registration enforcement of the Constitution that helped this group to have their rights protected. Many groups of Americans are responsible for writing American literature. The literature is valuable in letting generations know about their past and what their ancestors went through to build this great nation.

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Short Essay on Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela was a popular figure not only in South Africa but in the whole world, and this was mostly because of what he stood for and symbolized in life. Nelson Mandela, or Rolihlahla Mandela, was born on the 18th day of July in the year 1918 and adopted the name Nelson after he was named so by a teacher in the school where he was learning as a young boy. Nelson was born in the Transkei area of South Africa. Transkei is an area characterized by numerous mountains, grasslands and valleys. The area is located on the southwestern part of South Africa. Mandela’s father, Henry Mandela, was a tribal chief of the Tembu tribe and together with his wife and Mandela’s mother, Fanny, were related to the royal family of Tembu. Mandela, however, grew up without his father because his father passed on when he was only 9 years old. After which, an acting chief of the Tembu tribe raised him.

Mandela received his basic education in a mission school where he excelled in his education and later attended college. While in school and college, Mandela enjoyed a variety of sporting activities, including running and boxing. While at the University of Fort Hare, Mandela trained as a lawyer and among his friends in law school was Oliver Tambo. Mandela, however, moved away from the law school in 1939 after students held a series of demonstrations in protest of the way the law school was run. Even though the custom required that his parents select for him a wife, Mandela did not want to abide by this custom of arranged marriages and he therefore left his home area and went to Johannesburg. It is in the city of Johannesburg that Mandela completed his studies and eventually became a qualified lawyer.

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Essay Writing Qualities of a Good Student You Need to Develop

There are many traits which can help students of any grade or age to become great writers. These essay writing qualities of a good student can be learned and mastered by anyone.

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Expository Essay on Depression

Even though depression entails one having sad feelings, it is actually a condition that is by far more than merely having some degree of sadness. This is because the magnitude of sadness that one feels when depressed is so intense, it may also be accompanied by numerous other symptoms.

There are many types of depression, one of which is referred to as the major depressive disorder in clinical terms. This type of depression is serious because the individual is depressed for a large portion of a day, year-round. The symptoms for this depression include loss of interest in favorite activities and an unexplained gain or loss in weight. Insomnia, difficulty i falling asleep, is also one of the many symptoms. An individual who has a major depression is also more likely to feel like he or she is dissatisfied with all that life has to offer. The other symptoms of this condition include feeling very tired the entire day, even without having done any work, experiencing trouble when concentrating and in one trying to make decisions.

Doctors usually diagnose this depression if a patient has suffered five or more symptoms, if the patient has been experiencing the aforementioned symptoms for a period of two or more weeks, and if one of the symptoms is the loss of interest in activities that the patient once found very interesting.

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