Writing Tips, Samples and News for Students

Essay Writing Qualities of a Good Student You Need to Develop

There are many traits which can help students of any grade or age to become great writers. These essay writing qualities of a good student can be learned and mastered by anyone.

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Argumentative Writing with Stylistic Devices

The fact that argumentative papers are actually the most difficult papers to write is very common. However, there are many things involved in writing such. On many occasions when you are putting up an argument, people are not buying what you are writing or saying just because it is the truth.

Readers usually tend to look at the beauty of what you are putting into words and how sophisticated and stylish it is. This is why you have to do everything possible to garnish your argumentative paper with numerous stylistic devices. There are many of them, but we will treat only 7 of the most popular ones.

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How to Write an Informal Essay: A Complete Guide for Beginners and Experienced

An essay is one of the most popular assignments at educational institutions and pieces of writing around the world. What makes it so trendy? First, it is the best paper to express personal opinion. Second, it can be of different sizes, structures, and types, so it satisfies the demands of everyone, except for final written assignments like dissertations or thesis papers because these papers require a deep investigation of the topic and many pages to provide the required details. 

Generally, an essay is a piece of writing that helps a writer describe something or introduce a personal viewpoint, depending on the requirements. For example, an admission essay lets candidates surpass rivals and win the attention of the employer through unique idea, expression, and professional goals. What about the informal essay definition and examples? Let’s go deeper into details to clear everything out. 

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Top Good Hooks for Essay in 2020

Imagine a mousetrap, and think how mice dare to be caught. All is simple, something interesting, and tantalizing makes them want to discover it. This is a simple example of how the hook grabs someone’s attention. So, when composing an essay, it is important to prepare some tasty stuffing at the beginning of writing. Why beginning? Because people like to accept something at face value, they will read a few sentences and will come up with an idea if it is worth spending time reading it or consider it as a mediocre work.

If you face the obstacles in creating unique hooks for essay, avoid running late and turn to the experts’ opinions and help. A writing service that works with all types of papers, essays, and assignments will come in handy even when the deadline is almost finished.

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5 Tips to Compose an Effective Deductive Essay

Many students get terrified when learning that they are to perform a deductive essay. Different thoughts come across their minds. They get anxious about such complex terms as deductive reasoning, deductive thinking, and similar definitions. In fact, there is nothing complicated about deductive reasoning process. The main point is to write enough data on the studied topic to clarify your main idea.

While writing a deductive essay, you should base your strategy on a specific concept. You are expected to introduce a set of topic-related clues, premises and/or circumstances. These guidelines should develop a situation and come up with a clear and logical assumption. In other words, your major objective is to provide a solution giving specified information in enough amounts.

A writer is supposed to make a thorough research of the assigned or chosen topic. Weighing all advantages and disadvantages, it’s needed to draw a reasonable conclusion. Accordingly, the data you’re going to use in this specific piece of writing is utterly important. It must be relevant and convincing.

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