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Descriptive Essay on Nature

No matter where we go or what we see – nature is always there. Even in the concrete jungle of New York City, you will see a red flower or a green tree that will break the harshness of dirty grey concrete, glass, and neon. In the sunset in Miami, nature gives a breathtaking display of beauty every evening, painting the sky with glorious colors. Standing on the edge of the Grand Canyon, one sees a breathtaking view of nature’s handicraft that is so big and has the power to take your breath away. Each scenario is completely different, yet each has its own splendor, no matter if it is a sunset, a desert, mountain, prairie, lake, or ocean.

People have always appreciated nature, and they still do to some extent. They are both challenged and pacified by it. Nature is beautiful, and the fact that it is changing so magically through different seasons amazes every human being. At the same time, we’re fascinated by how timelessly unchanged some of its fixed elements, like mountains, remain throughout history.

There’s some wild beauty in every piece of nature. There is a valley in central Africa. And once you are there, it seems as if you went back in time. This is the Zambezi river valley that starts in the wetlands of the Okavango swamps. The valley is 1500 miles of wilderness, totally unspoiled by man’s encroachment. The only thing that you see is the wildness of nature. The river flows proudly through the valley. It is a surging force as it goes through rocky rapids.

Then all of a sudden, the river becomes so wide and tranquil the very moment it finds space. On its banks, you will see some mud flats and reeds, where crocodiles lie in the sun, as well as dense trees and forests that are interspersed with huge grey prehistoric baobab trees, with branches that look like roots.

During the day, the sun is a burning yellow fire, and everything wilts under it. Even the wildlife finds shade and lies down. As the evening comes, the setting sun paints the sky with streaks of pink and orange, and the animals emerge. They come individually or in groups. In the water, large hippopotamus frolic.

The presence of crocodiles never intimidates them. A nervous buck comes dancing to the river. Then you see large tan-colored kudu, as tall as a horse, with their white flashes and meter long spiral horns. Here comes smaller dark brown impala with short spiked horns, tiny brown duiker. They carefully approach. Sometimes they stop to be sure that no predators are near. They dip their heads gracefully to drink. Some of them will suddenly jump and struggle as a crocodile grabs it and drags it under the water. Elephants come and splash around squirting water over themselves with their long trunks, or rolling in the mud that serves as some kind of a treat for them.

Lions eventually arrive in a pride, making the buck to move nervously away. The dusk gives a way to the sudden blackness of the night sky studded with silver stars and a huge silver moon.
Soon the animals are gone, and the river flows on into the night. There’s a noise that is similar to thunder that you hear here and there. In the early morning, the flowing river is alive again and sparkling in the sun. The crocodiles are basking in the warmth. The animals drink water while it is still cool, and the river broadens and flows in channels around green islands.

Then you see a fantastic 100-meter chasm as a magnificent waterfall that is 1708 meters wide. As the river falls down, the sound of the chasm is like real thunder. The water falls surrounded by rocks and plants. As you can see the complete picture of this magnificent beauty, you realize how important it is when the nature is untouched by man. From here, the river flows into a great lake, and from there, it goes to the Indian Ocean.

It is a place, where we find ourselves at the beginning of time, and everything seems to be untouched by an inexorable march of progress.

Tips on writing a good descriptive essay about nature:
When it comes to a descriptive essay, your number one task is to create a vivid picture of a thing, event, place, or person. The main purpose of the project is to reveal the meaning of your topic through sensory and detailed observation.

Once you decide on the topic for your descriptive essay on nature, brainstorm it by using your power of observation and make notes. We recommend you to carefully choose descriptive words that bring out a vivid picture of what you describe. In the process, ensure you apply all your senses. The reader must be brought into the picture in his imagination. If you use words such as “hot,” “cold,” “warm,” “dark,” “light,” “sunshine,” “fragrant,” and the like.

Describe, where possible, your emotions and feelings. Most of the readers will identify and connect with emotion. For instance, if you’re writing a descriptive essay on nature, you can mention that a lot of people tend to think that nature will always be there with us. However, even today we can notice how things change drastically. For example, birds like house sparrows and starlings have declined so much that today, they are known as endangered.

Do not lose your focus and make sure you organize your paper correctly. When you’re working on the initial draft for your paper, make sure to follow the outline. However, you have to remember that it’s not about the structure, but rather about providing your audience with a vast experience of the subject.

Keep in mind that the key watchword of crafting a descriptive essay to show, do not tell. In order to show, ensure to involve all the senses, such as touching, hearing, tasting, and smelling. Write your descriptive essay on nature so that your readers will actually smell the rain, hear the birds singing, enjoy the subset, and touch the lion.

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Today’s world is full of hustles and bustles, making life hard for many people. You’re either struggling to make rent, pay tuition, provide for your family, or pay for your essential needs. Many have been pushed into long working hours, informal labor, unconventional housing, or juggling multiple jobs. For many, there’s hardly any any reprieve or hope for better. While it’s hard to abandon your responsibilities and flee, a few hours or days alone can be magical.

This is where nature comes in. People who have discovered the secret know its therapeutic and emotional appeal, preferring to occasionally immerse themselves in its splendor. Nature can provide a break from the concrete jungles we inhabit, captivating our senses and providing a huge relief from the everyday struggles we face.

Prominent nature writers such as Henry D. Thoreau, Henry D. Thoreau, Rachel Carson, and Aldo Leopold, among others, have labored to bring to humanity this magnificent beauty indoors, blending science, spirituality, and personal experiences. Their works pioneered nature writing, allowing enabling students and hobbyists to explore the subject extensively using pen and paper.

Reading works such as “My First Summer in the Sierra” by John Muir, “Walden” by Henry D. Thoreau, and “Silent Spring” by Rachel Carson highlights the importance of visiting and immersing oneself into mother earth. But what does a good descriptive essay on the beauty of nature entails? Let’s explore a few vital requirements for writing a winning nature-based piece that warms hearts while also providing a critical connection between humanity and the environment.

Exploring the Different Seasons in Nature

Nature comes in different shapes and shades, with each season bringing its unique beauty. Today, it’s quite common for sports show hosts to ask participants whether they are winter or summer persons.

This isn’t just about human choices, but the way nature packages the two seasons, making them preferable to people with different tastes and likes. Summer, for instance, comes with warm weather that invites people outside for activities such as swimming in cool fresh lakes and rivers, hiking in lush forests and packs, and sunbathing. Winter, on the other hand, brings freezing weather that confines people into their homes. Still, it has a lot to enjoy, including snow-covered landscapes.

Moreover, it allows people to meditate and ponder the wonders of seasons. But life isn’t entirely about the two seasons. Spring and autumn are the icing on the cake. While the former bursts forth with a riot of colors as flowers blossom and trees spring forth from their slumber, the latter paints the landscape in fiery hues, as leaves change color, wither, drop to the ground, and dry up.

The short journey, which lasts a few weeks to months, is worth every second. The seasons, despite eliciting mixed reactions, offer us opportunities for exploration and appreciation. As such, an example introduction of descriptive essay on nature must cover all of them. You can’t stop short of unveiling the alluring facets of each season, taking your readers through an unimaginable journey.

The Diversity and Intricacy of Natural Landscapes

A simple time-lapse video of your front lawn can be mesmerizing. Nature has a way of doing that; changing from time to time, painting landscapes with unparalleled beauty and complexity. It’s the most accomplished artist known to humanity. Views from snow-capped mountain tops can be just as inspiring as those from bare or volcanic peaks. The beauty is often in the details. For instance, the calmness and soothing nature of a meandering river can’t dwarf the tranquility of natural springs.

For every landscape, there’s a story to be told and shared. But while a writer can coin a narrative in seconds, nature takes years, decades, and millennia to shape and display its handy work. For example, a coastline’s rugged cliffs are testament to years of bashing by ocean waves. The level plains are evidence of years of silt deposits by rivers and flush floods. In other words, every rock, tree, blade of grass, anthill, and pebble has a place in the intricate fabric of the natural world. It’s the diversity of mother earth that makes a descriptive essay on a location in nature awe-spiring and breathtaking.

Some communities have widely hailed quiet and beautiful landscapes for their healing powers. In Japan, for instance, shinrin-yoku (“forest bathing”) is a popular practice. It is a therapeutic activity that heals and restores bodies, minds, and spirits. Humanity’s connection with nature is beyond description. Simple acts such as walking barefoot on the grass, feeling the chilling rush of spring water against our skin, staring at the moon in the dark of the night, or simply sitting in complete silence under a tree, can reset and restore us to our true selves.

The Power of Words in Describing Nature

According to the Bible, everything that is and was were only made possible through the “word” of God. Religion places so much power on words. But this isn’t exclusive to Christianity. Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism all emphasize the importance and power of words; humans can speak things into existence and influence others into action or inaction. Unsurprisingly, accomplished writers can transport you into faraway places and evoke emotions that stir your soul.

Listening to David Attenborough, for instance, can make you feel like you are right next to him, interacting with animals in their natural environment. It’s not just about his dedication, commitment, and gracefulness, but also his choice of words.

By carefully choosing the most appropriate adjectives and evocative language, you not only connect with your audience, but also capture the intangible essence of what they see and feel. It’s like using a brush to paint, and leaving a stronger message with each stroke. Everyone can see, admire, and fall in love with nature. However, only those with the power to describe it can take the scenery to people’s homesteads. For example, the pristine lakes of Canada are known globally because of a few writers who knew how to describe nature. It’s easy to visualize the wonders of such gifts even without visiting them.

Conclusion: Embracing the Beauty of Nature

The world is moving at a blistering pace, making it hard for people to get time for themselves, others, or nature. As a result, we’ve become dull and disconnected from mother earth. Yet, there’s so much we can benefit from interacting with the natural world. Even simple acts like taking a walk in the park can be restoring and refreshing. So, surrender to the enchantment that lies within the captivating beauty of nature and you’ll never regret it.

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