Writing Tips, Samples and News for Students

6 Brand New Ways to Use One English Worksheet to Nail Down Your Grammar Skills

To be good at English, international students should work hard all the time because before going to an English speaking country, they need to learn the language first. Given this fact, their almost every English studying class passes with the help of worksheets. But what happens with these worksheets after the class? Students throw them away, as they do not see any reason to do the same task again It seems boring for them! But what if you can substitute a heap of worksheets with only one to gain different goals? Learning English as a second language becomes easier if you do it english grammar worksheetinteractively. There are some ways to use an already analyzed card to train different skills and not to be bored with it. Let’s have a look at these interesting and, above all, useful ways to reuse one English worksheet to nail down your grammar skills.

1.   Extend the Sentence

Here you use the material from the worksheet, but now your task is to extend sentences making them complex or compound without changing the tense. Completing such a task, you are practicing the particular grammar tense and, moreover, recollecting the material about complex and compound sentences. Thus, there is one more additional benefit of such a task.

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From Now on Forget about “Where Can I Find Research Papers” Troubles

College research papers can be extremely challenging to write, but any student can confirm that it is easier to write a paper when you have an example. Here are five fabulous resources for finding sample research papers.

1. The Internet

You really can find anything on the Internet these days, including thousands of research papers on an endless variety of topics. No matter what topic you were assigned to, you are almost guaranteed to find a sample essay on the Internet.Where Can I Find Research Papers

Although the variety of papers on the Internet is a major benefit, anyone can upload an essay, so there is often no way to be sure that the essay you are viewing is from a credible source. You should be careful not to use a poorly written sample as a model for your own research paper. Some pieces on the Internet cost money, and not all of these are of such a high quality they claim to be, so be attentive. If you use your best judgement, the Internet is a great place for anyone who asks him/herself, “Where can I find research papers?”

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The Decline of Students’ Writing Skills: Causes and Outcomes

Writing is still the most common form of evaluating students’ achievements. You must write term papers, coursework, theses, and dissertations to prove that the teachers’ effort did not go to waste, and that you can acquire knowledge on your own. But something did go to waste, as more and more teachers begin to realize that they spend more time fixing grammar mistakes than focusing on the information related to topic of the work. So, what happened?Decline of Students Writing Skills

If the problem keeps getting worse, maybe it’s high time to get to the bottom of it and find out the reasons for weak writing skills.

Statistics on Student Writing Skills

Numerous studies have been taken involving writing skills of grade-school to college age students.

Annual reports from the National Center for Education Statistics show that the SAT mean scores in writing have dropped from 497 to 484 in 9 years (2006 – 2015). It’s already bad that the score is decreasing, but it also never stayed the same two years in a row during this period. Therefore, we can assume that the SAT result in writing will continue to decrease at the same rate.

The same statistics show that SAT reading scores have also decreased in the same way. This also contributes to poor writing skills, particularly where analyzing and synthesizing sources is required.

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Become a Real Critic in Your Critical Analysis Paper

A critical analysis paper is designed to examine a piece of work or article that has been written by someone else and the goal is to determine how effectively they present their point or argument. It is one of the most difficult pieces because many students don’t understand how to handle this type of assignment. However, by following this advice, you will be able to write your paper like a real critic.

  1. Read the Piece a Few Times
    Read the text you need to write a critical analysis on a few times. While you are reading, be sure to try and answer several questions. You can make some notes on the answers to make sure that you can effectively analyze the piece.
    – What is the artist arguing for or against? Analyze the writer’s thesis statement.
    – Decide the context of the argument. Why is the author arguing for the point?
    – Decide if they have provided a solution to the problem they are discussing. Is the solution plausible?
  2. Jot down the Supporting Evidence for the Main Points
    Has the author utilized the information to support their main point or points?
  3. Determine the Author’s Appeal to the Reader
    How does the author appeal to the reader to persuade them to believe in their point? Do they appeal to emotion (pathos)? How about to their logic or reason (logos)? Or their credibility (ethos)?
  4. Draw the Line
    Do any questions arise when you are reading the piece or have all of the questions been effectively answered?

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7 Best Books for a Literature Response Paper

A literary response paper is designed to give your opinion on how a literary piece makes you feel or think. It is your opinion; however, it needs to be based on the facts. You will need to make sure that you really have some considerations about what you are writing. In order to master this essay style, you will need to choose a really good literary piece to produce a decent paper.

If you get to choose the topic, which most of the time you do, then you should check out one of these books:

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