Writing Tips, Samples and News for Students

Whom Can I Pay to Write My Research Paper Online?

Crafting research papers can be monotonous especially if you are a college or university student. At times, one can easily get bored with doing the same routine on the regular basis. Apart from boredom, there are also other reasons why students may require paper writing assistance during their academic career.

“Whom can I pay to write my research paper online?” students ask themselves this question when they are stuck with homework and need a viable option to meet the strict paper deadlines. There is a glory hour of online paper writing agencies. You need to be careful when selecting a paper writing agency and find one that is capable of assisting you with the needed writing assignment.

How to Choose?

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How to Write an Abstract for a Business Research Paper

An abstract for business research paper is a summary of the entire paper. Students doing business research papers often mistake abstracts to be the introductory paragraph since abstract appears at the beginning of the work. Business research papers are general audience papers that are likely to be read by any member of the society. The abstract is given much attention by the audience since it is a snapshot of the entire work. There are two types of abstract that can be developed in a business research paper: descriptive and informative abstracts. Students must decide which type of abstract to include in their business research papers though they accomplish the same goal. Descriptive abstracts are best suited for shorter business research papers while informative abstracts are for lengthy and technical research papers. Concisely, an abstract is supposed to explain the purpose of business research paper, its goals and methodology used for research.

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How to Write a Great Reaction Paper

In order to write a great reaction paper, a particular order needs to be followed. For instance, one must read through the given document carefully, while noting the key points. Watching the documentary, or fully partaking part in the seminar for the reaction essay topic, is also crucial in preparation for writing a great reaction paper. Taking notes of key thoughts, during one’s participation in the reaction essay events, is also an important activity during the preparation. This is because the latter helps in the generation of several ideas from which an individual is able to choose their key points.

Secondly, think of and briefly describe two key points that you want articulated in your reaction. In each key point, details like the various lessons learnt, the areas of agreement and the points with which you disagreed, need to be clearly stated. Since experts claim that a successful reaction paper is brief piece of work, the various points should be precise and clear. The third point on writing a great reaction paper is presenting a clear justification in support of the stated key points. The other step that is followed is the provision of a real life example regarding the subject of discussion, which must be clearly explained for a better understanding of it. Finally, a brief description of how the researchers point is connected to public relations is given.

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How to Write a Thesis Proposal

A simple framework is followed in compiling a thesis proposal. At first, a particular issue on a given topic is identified. Afterwards, various findings and scholarly works on the given topic are identified and studied. An evaluation is then done on the collected documents where information, that would be necessary to solve such an issue from the collected documents, is singled out. An analysis of the data is then done where the results that are related to the stated issue, get reported.

Thesis proposals are written using simple language for the purpose of quick understanding by the preferred reader. All thesis proposals should have a thesis proposal cover sheet that bears the authors title and other relevant information about the writer. Another rule that should be observed, while writing a thesis proposal, is that the writer should not include a title page. This is mainly because it is a minor requirement for this case. A title should always be given in the case of a thesis proposal, which should be relevant and must accurately describe the focus of the writer’s thesis statement.

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History Research Paper Sample

Research paper: History (Memoir value and problem as a way of recount)
Recounting the past is an important aspect of human survival in finding answers and solutions to different problems. As such, it is important that humans consider the past as they chart their way forward as to avoid repeating past mistakes in order build a conceivable future, in all aspects of human lives, be it social, political, or economic aspects. This essay focuses on two memoirs by two female writers that recount past activities that shaped human destiny significantly. The memoirs are Wild Swan by, Jung Chang, and Testament of Youth by Vera Britain. The Wild Swan memoir describes the Cultural Revolution that took place in China in a narrative that compares the experiences of her grandmother, her mother, and hers to explain China’s transformation into the modern world. In the Testament of Youth memoir, Brittain focuses on the effects of the First World War on the British middle class citizens. It further highlights the plight of women during, after the war, and in a compassionate manner that appeals to all. The memoir is given in a narrative manner that recounts the harsh experiences of Brittain that pushed her into writing the memoir as a way of expressing herself. The two memoirs are important historical aspects that reveals the past in a captivating manner and are valuable in solving current and future problems that affect humanity.

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  • 275 words/page
  • 12 point Arial/Times New Roman font
  • Free bibliography & reference
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