Writing Tips, Samples and News for Students

Winning Ideas to Create Research Articles

Research articles are made up of results achieved from conducting original research. These results can be obtained through either primary or secondary analysis.  Fundamental research involves collecting and capturing information directly from the source. Secondary research includes obtaining information from the previous researches done by others and recording it.

The essential requirement of a research paper is to look for information relating to the topic, taking a stand/side on the issue and providing evidence for the position taken in an organized manner. The objective of the paper is the essence of a research paper.

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Where Can I Find Sources for My Research Paper or 7 Search Engines Used for Scientific Purposes

When it is time for writing research papers, students often do not know what to begin with. The first step is to find some sources for your paper, but these sources must be accurate and reliable. Here are seven search engines that will help you find credible information for your research paper.

1. Google Scholar

The main benefit of Google Scholar is that it is extremely easy to use, since it functions just like the standard Google search engine.

The key difference is the quality and credibility of the sources Google Scholar provides. The specialized search engine filters out the most reliable scholarly results, so it includes many journal articles and other resources written by academics.Find Sources for My Research Paper

If you want a quick, easy, and reliable search engine, try using Google Scholar next time you have to write a research paper.

2. Intute

This UK-based search engine employs specialists that evaluate thousands of resources to help determine which are safe and credible for students to use.

In addition to filtering out unreliable and unnecessary sites, Intute offers 60 free tutorials from experts like librarians and college professors on how to develop your online research skills. This can be an excellent resource for freshmen in particular, who may have little or no experience with high-level researches.

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From Now on Forget about “Where Can I Find Research Papers” Troubles

College research papers can be extremely challenging to write, but any student can confirm that it is easier to write a paper when you have an example. Here are five fabulous resources for finding sample research papers.

1. The Internet

You really can find anything on the Internet these days, including thousands of research papers on an endless variety of topics. No matter what topic you were assigned to, you are almost guaranteed to find a sample essay on the Internet.Where Can I Find Research Papers

Although the variety of papers on the Internet is a major benefit, anyone can upload an essay, so there is often no way to be sure that the essay you are viewing is from a credible source. You should be careful not to use a poorly written sample as a model for your own research paper. Some pieces on the Internet cost money, and not all of these are of such a high quality they claim to be, so be attentive. If you use your best judgement, the Internet is a great place for anyone who asks him/herself, “Where can I find research papers?”

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