Writing Tips, Samples and News for Students

Comparison Essay on Football and Basketball

Today, people enjoy playing a great variety of sports. While people in the United States are more passionate about baseball and American football, French men give preference to Association football. Due to a technological revolution, we all have an opportunity to watch our favorite games either in stadiums or on TV, as well as play any for recreation.

Football and basketball are two of the most common sports that are played in many parts of the world. For an individual who is torn between selecting which of the two sports he should play, it can be very helpful to know the characteristics of the two sports and compare these qualities in order to select the one that interests a particular person the most. One of the most obvious differences between the two sports lies in the way they are played. While football is in most cases played outdoors in areas that may not necessarily have artificial lighting or controlled temperatures, basketball is mostly played in indoor fields that have both artificial lighting and temperature control.

The size of the football field is also several times bigger than that of basketball.
The other difference lies in the way the players interact with the ball. In football, the ball is played by fumbling, while in basketball, the ball is played by bouncing the ball up and down on the floor repeatedly in an action known as dribbling. In football, the main objective of the game is to capture the territory of the opposing team in ten-yard segments, eventually driving the ball to the opposing team’s end zone. In basketball, the main aim is to throw the ball as many ways as possible into the opposing team’s basket, given that the more baskets a team makes, the higher the score.

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The Importance of One’s Name essay sample

Argumentative essay on The Importance of one’s Name:
When a child is born, the parents name him or her as per their wish. They could name him or her in accordance to their cultural practices, events, names of dead relatives, materials and tools used, animals among others. Names always play critical roles in people’s lives. Different names may to mean different things.

Names may be similar but have different meanings while others may be different but have the same meanings. Virtually everything that is in existence has a name attached to it. Such names are always used when referring to these things to bring to memory the thing in question. Every name has some sense of power associated with it. Such powers may have influences on the life of any individual possessing those names. Therefore, naming of a newborn child or an adult depends on several factors such as cultural beliefs, practices, customs, and the environment.

It is an indisputable fact that human beings have been responsible for naming everything, whether alive or dead, moving, static, plants, animals or microorganisms. For instance, : Sandra Cisneros, in her essay My name notes that a name can mean hope, many letters, sadness waiting (pg. 190) The naming in such cases has been as distinctly precise as none of the organisms named share the same names. In cases where they might share such names, there has always been a clear and precise way that conventionally applies in differentiating the two organisms. Under such situations, different methods are put into consideration. These methods of differentiation of names majorly depend upon the parental hierarchy of such organisms.

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How to Write an Informal Essay: A Complete Guide for Beginners and Experienced

An essay is one of the most popular assignments at educational institutions and pieces of writing around the world. What makes it so trendy? First, it is the best paper to express personal opinion. Second, it can be of different sizes, structures, and types, so it satisfies the demands of everyone, except for final written assignments like dissertations or thesis papers because these papers require a deep investigation of the topic and many pages to provide the required details. 

Generally, an essay is a piece of writing that helps a writer describe something or introduce a personal viewpoint, depending on the requirements. For example, an admission essay lets candidates surpass rivals and win the attention of the employer through unique idea, expression, and professional goals. What about the informal essay definition and examples? Let’s go deeper into details to clear everything out. 

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How to Write a Research Paper in MLA format

Both the content and the form of a research paper matter. In case your assignment requires using a certain format, do not neglect specific rules for every formatting style. The most common formats for research papers include MLA, APA, Turabian, Chicago, and Harvard, and they are all unique. Let us examine the MLA format.

MLA (Modern Language Association) is the formatting style most commonly used for research papers in the fields of humanities, linguistics, liberal and other arts. When writing a research paper in MLA format, you are to devote special attention to the page layout and bibliography. Non-compliance with format guidelines may spoil the entire impression of your paper, and lower your mark as well. To avoid this, you need to master MLA formatting rules.

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How to Write the Perfect College Book Report Outline

Need to write an amazing book report? All fired up to get started? Wonderful! All you need now is to learn how to create the paper that your instructor will happily add an ‘A’ to next to your name. Luckily, you have wandered into the right corner of the web. This brief little guide right here has you covered for the tasks assigned.

We understand the temptation to simply skim one of the numerous summaries online. If your online search skills are quite good, you might even come across completely written out reports of your chosen book. However, there is no substitute for actually reading the author’s words. It will bring depth to your perception and analysis, which will show up when you write your book report.

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