Writing Tips, Samples and News for Students

8 Summer Activities You Will Miss Out if You Don’t Buy Argumentative Essay to Apply to University

Writing an argumentative essay for your university application is going to involve time-consuming and tedious research, which may take you all summer to complete. If you need to turn in a paper for your application and you decide not to buy an argumentative essay, go ahead and cross the following summer fun off your to-do list.

1.    Cycling Tour

Summer is a great time to ride and taking your bike out for a cruise, enjoying the scenery and getting some exercise is something you deserve after working hard all year to keep your grades up.

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Argumentative Essay on Plastic Surgery

An earlier article in this document explored the writing of argumentative essays. The present article will rely on the guidelines provided earlier to present a sample argumentative essay on plastic surgery. Beauty has always enjoyed great value in every society, irrespective of the conservative traditions that may prevail in that society. Right from childhood, human beings are taught that a beautiful person always has a prize attached to the beauty. This explains why children exhibit an unconsciousness tendency to describe awesome experiences as being beautiful. In ancient African societies, the embracing of beauty was seen in some communities painting their faces with bright colors. Among the Maasai of Kenya, for example, red ochre was used to paint the face. The trend of appreciating beauty took a different twist as time went by. The Indians pioneered the art of doing nose lifts. It was perceived that women with pointed noses were more appealing to the male generation. Other cultures aped this art, and the practice of face lifting and organ firming developed. In the modern world, the term “plastic surgery” is not new, especially with the rise to fame of the deceased rock musician, Michael Jackson.

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Argumentative Essay on Management

Example Argumentative Essay on Management:
In the attempt to better the organizational performance, managers have opted to diversify their scope of managerial systems. Some of the main information systems currently used include the natural system, the open system and the rational systems. The rational system concentrates on the consequences and conditions of the organization’s production and general utilization of information. This managerial approach helps develop a detailed comprehension understanding of the manner in which information regarding accounting reflects and shapes organizational reality through the different methods of its application.

The rational system is particularly different from the natural system because it attempts to include the introduction of a given information system both the events before and after capturing the dynamism of the characteristics. Researches done on information systems as used in organizations conclude that rational systems are static. They make an assumption that the all patterns of information applications are a response to the technical or environmental forces operating at that time. A dynamic approach incorporates the evolution of information systems as time goes by. Unlike the open system, the rational systems incorporate both past and present forces which could influence the implementation of a system.

The natural approach of managing organization basically takes on board several theories in management. Unlike the other two, this type of approach towards management ensures that the employee values are the key drive in decision making. This concept of management is unique in a number of ways. One of them being that it does not equity human being to machines hence the need for the manager to develop policies that are more accommodative. It also establishes an optimum in the scope of control hence increasing employee motivation. Pay is not the only motivator of the employee hence the diversification of the remuneration package.

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