Writing Tips, Samples and News for Students

Comparison Essay on Football and Basketball

Today, people enjoy playing a great variety of sports. While people in the United States are more passionate about baseball and American football, French men give preference to Association football. Due to a technological revolution, we all have an opportunity to watch our favorite games either in stadiums or on TV, as well as play any for recreation.

Football and basketball are two of the most common sports that are played in many parts of the world. For an individual who is torn between selecting which of the two sports he should play, it can be very helpful to know the characteristics of the two sports and compare these qualities in order to select the one that interests a particular person the most. One of the most obvious differences between the two sports lies in the way they are played. While football is in most cases played outdoors in areas that may not necessarily have artificial lighting or controlled temperatures, basketball is mostly played in indoor fields that have both artificial lighting and temperature control.

The size of the football field is also several times bigger than that of basketball.
The other difference lies in the way the players interact with the ball. In football, the ball is played by fumbling, while in basketball, the ball is played by bouncing the ball up and down on the floor repeatedly in an action known as dribbling. In football, the main objective of the game is to capture the territory of the opposing team in ten-yard segments, eventually driving the ball to the opposing team’s end zone. In basketball, the main aim is to throw the ball as many ways as possible into the opposing team’s basket, given that the more baskets a team makes, the higher the score.

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Issue Analysis Paper

The statement reveals how educational institutions can influence students when deciding the field of study they wish to pursue. On the one hand, there are reasons to support this idea because educational institutions have years of experience and can accurately determine a student’s abilities to- or not to pursue a specific course. Further, the scientific approach to decision making via a proven assessment procedure is perfect when implemented to benefit the learner. On the other hand, these institutions may discourage learners from taking up courses or subjects they are passionate about and which they can succeed. Success in a particular is determined by an individual’s desires and passion, and not what others say or think about his or her abilities.

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Essay on Disaster Management Reflections

The earth has been affected by natural hazards over a long time as man emerged into the picture – the picture that the natural occurrences were becoming a disaster, together with being documented in various ways providing a warning for the future generation. However, in 1920, there was a published study referred to as the catastrophe and social change by Henry Samuel Prince. This was the Halifax Disaster documented account and the occurrence of the social change. The first person to deliver an evidence-based study was Prince. On the basis of solid theory, he managed to found a paradigm that paved way for the management of disaster to be studied (Sperling, 2004).

Various changes in social life can be caused by disasters. Social changes aren’t always for the better since they tend to affect population resources (Oliver, 2002). Changes in disaster study become visible with the theories related to a cultural protection collapse. Carr started a discussion on how we got the tools in place encountering the act of disasters as though there was a lack of these tools and no more protection.

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Narrative Essay on a Life Changing Moment

In our life, many events influence the way we act or the decisions that we make. Basically, you go through certain events that have such a big impact that they totally change your life.
For me, the life-changing moment was exactly when I enrolled in college a few years ago. Since that occurred, January has always been a special month for me because this is the month that makes me remember the event. Besides, this cold month makes me recall how this event totally changed my life and look at my life from a very different perspective.

As I was joining my first year in college, I naturally took note of newfound freedom. I wanted to use this freedom to experience some of the things that I had been curious about but could not engage in because I did not feel free enough. What I did not know was that the whole experience of joining college and getting orientated to college life would totally change my life. First of all, I had to move to another place other than the one where my parents had raised me. For others in my dormitory, the process of integrating into dormitory life and feeling like home in their rooms appeared to come naturally but it was not that easy for me. The whole process was highly emotional for me because I had the feeling that being so comfortable in the room would be like betraying my parents who had always taught me that our home was the most important place to cherish. The feeling that my parents were not a stone’s throw away also made me feel anxious, as I began to feel the strain of being so far away from my parents. Overall, however, the process taught me an important lesson of the importance of moving away and establishing my own life separate from my parents.

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Essay on Liberalism

Liberalism is a dominant political ideology mostly embraced by the westerners as it does not only strives to improve an individual’s liberty but also offers political and economic freedom. The philosophy of liberalism arises from the ideology that humanity is entitled to equality and liberty, hence basing its argument on rights of an individual. For this, the liberals, those who ascribe to liberalism, view this political approach as an empowerment that gives them freedom, equality, independence, authority, and toleration. Hence, liberalism can be summarized as any actions or ideas that favor the theory of freedom of choice.

During the enlightenment era, the western philosophers embraced the philosophy of liberalism and freedom of choice. Essentially, the theory became a political movement that rejected the established norms before its time, such as the hereditary rule, state-accepted religions, monarchy, and divine right of kings (O’Malley, 2016). In such a way, the liberals intended to replace absolutism in government with democracy, a government for the people, by the people. In light of this, the introduction of liberalism into the political realm served as a revolution that sought to foster democracy and enhance the enlightenment to the people.

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