Writing Tips, Samples and News for Students

Female Genital Mutilation Essay

The World Health Organization defines Female Genital Mutilation as a practice that involves the alteration of female genitalia in a manner that does not relay any medical benefits to the victim. According to Oleinick (1998), around 87% of Egyptian Islamic women support the practice. The extent of this support is attributable to various factors. These may be cultural, religious or social. The purpose of this study was to find out the current state of FGM as a cultural practice in Egypt. Secondly, the study wanted to probe useful strategies in eliminating FGM. Finally, the study was to highlight the impacts of FGM on the global healthcare system. The research uses a longitudinal approach.

Various factors make the Egyptian people susceptible to the practise of FGM. Firstly are the socio-demographic characteristics. These include factors such as age, income, religion, marital status and level of income. Islam considers FGM as ‘makruma’. This implies that it is not a mandatory, but honourable act. According to National Geographic Statistics, the country’s literacy level stands at 58%. There is limited knowledge on the implications of the practice.

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Essay on Homosexual Relationships

Homosexual relationships are romantic connections between two people of the same gender. These connections cover all cases of gays and lesbians. These relationships are not based on the willingness to procreate or nature moral values, but rather on the desire to fulfill the passions of the persons involved.

Through the forums supported by human rights groups, many homosexuals have come in the limelight demanding legal recognition for their sexual orientations. James Skillen is one of such activists. He observes that governments should play passive roles when it comes to the issues of marriage.

Instead, Skillen suggests that the government should learn to accommodate the “constantly changing definition of marriage” to make provisions for homosexual marriages (Skillen, 1). A similar observation was made by Ellie Schaack in his article “Gay Marriage is a Right”. Schaack points out that the right to marry is explicit and dependent on one’s unique attributes (Schaack, 1). Unfortunately, many countries are continually legalizing homosexuality.

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The Solution of Human Freedom Essay

There are three main categories of philosophy concerning the level of human freedom: free will, determinism and compatibilism. All they give solution to the question how much freedom does a person have. However, each of them have their certain strength and weakness, so none of these position can be a singular solution.

Free will gives a solution, that states a possibility of any person to make an individual choice without the interference of any circumstances (Caouette). The strength of it is that according to this learning the person is independent from anybody or any occasions and that he or she has the ability and right to do any actions. It means, that person’s actions is only under his or her responsibility and that there is no participle from any superior forces. Determinism is a philosophy position, that asserts that human does not have any control of his fate and that it is determined only by the will of God (Hannan, and Lehrer 49-54). Its strength is that whatever mistake a human could do, it is explained as the God’s will, which takes off any responsibility for these actions.

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Vegetarianism vs Omnivore Essay

Why Vegetarianism is better for the Health than Omnivorism?
Vegetarianism is the practice whereby a person does not consume animal foods, restricting him or herself to eating vegetable foods only. Such a person is referred to as a vegetarian. Vegetarian diets vary widely, ranging from exclusive non-consumption of animal products at all to consumption of animal products such eggs, dairy products, poultry and fish. Vegetarian diets involve plant based foods like legumes, grains, vegetables, nuts fruits and seeds. Vegetarians vary depending on whether or what kinds of animals are eaten. Strict vegetarians are called vegan and their diets exclude all forms of animal products like fowl, meat, eggs and dairy. On the other hand, a lacto-ovo- vegetarian consumes dairy products such as eggs besides plants products. Whereas Lacto vegetarians consume dairy products in addition to plant products, an ovo vegetarian consumes eggs only, as animal products (Nordqvist).

Fruitarian vegetarians consume raw and dried fruit and vegetables only. Cooking is believed to harm the fruits’ nutritional ingredients. Such vegetarians eat all types of fruits, both sweet and non sweet. There are also the semi-vegetarians who consume plant based foods combined with slight amounts of poultry and fish. On the other hand, the macrobiotic vegetarians’ diet consists of cereals, whole grains and cooked vegetables. Omnivorism vegetarians on their part belief in the exclusive consumption of animal and plant based foods. They consume both in moderation. There is a growing concern that the different types of vegetarians like lacto vegetarians are ethical omnivores. An omnivorous diet contains plants and animal foods, but omnivorous persons put more emphasis on meat than on other foods (Nordqvist).

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Excavating the Empty Tomb Essay

Essay on Excavating the empty Tomb:
The author of the movie “general assertion is that the authenticity of the new gospel” is not genuine. The author believes that the books of the new gospel Mark, Matthew, Luke and John are all fabricated as illustrated by (Top Documentaries, online). The author sees these new gospel books as fictional books that were drawn up by authors who were interested in coming up with formidable stories that they wanted the public to read and be fascinated about.

The assertions that are illustrated by the author seem to be true. This is because all the assertions that the author are supported with facts. What the author asserts are really interesting and fascinating. This is because first of the statement made about the gospel of Mark. All the old versions of the gospel of Mark did not contain the verses starting with chapter nine.

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