Writing Tips, Samples and News for Students

Essay on Graffiti Art

Los Angeles is the most densely inhabited city in the state of California, and stands in second place after New York City, as the most populous in America. Most people in the city socialize mostly through cultural traditions and arts that are mainly practiced in the area. These arts form the basis of communication and expressions whether political or social. That being a few of the forms of expression graffiti is being widely used in the city. This form of art is employed as a means of social and political expression. The reason as to why young people use this form of avenue is that it is quite public and will relay the message. The fact that they are not provided with platforms to express themselves is another key issue to be addressed. In this art essay, discussion on ways through which this work of art expresses the social and political issues in relation to Los Angeles will follow suit.

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Social Marketing Essay

Christopher Place Employment
Christopher Place Employment Academy (CPEA) is an intensive residential program which offers training and education, in addition to spiritual, emotional and addiction rehabilitation to former homeless men (Catholic Charities, 2009). Basically, the program entails a program of transition which moves the men from being homeless to having a permanent abode as well as equipping them with necessary knowledge to gain meaningful employment which enables them to live a drugs-free life. In light of the current economic crisis and given that a quarter of Baltimore’s population is currently living in poverty; the program is experiencing increasing demand. CP’s ODBEC assists thousands of people annually from unemployment, hunger and homelessness. Also, the program helps formerly homeless men get back into the mainstay population by engaging them in training workshops and classes that aid the transition phase. Additional services such as mental health counseling, case management, referrals to get community based benefits, workshops to impart skills in job hunting and retaining.

In the last year alone, ODBEC helped 343 homeless people get employment and helped 86 homeless men change and gain stable housing, self-sufficiency and employment via CP’s Employment academy (Catholic Charities, 2009). 688 formerly homeless people graduated from the academy’s Work 4 Success program. CP helps needy people meet their most critical needs, for instance serving meals and giving stable to released inmates. Its transition programs helps released offenders to rebuild their lives through a job readiness program, imparts confidence required for interviews, offers resume writing skills and job placement. Successful graduates of the program are provided with other amenities such as vehicle ownership programs, volunteer/donor sponsored programs and savings programs. They also help in supporting new participants in the program. To continue its good work, CP requires financial support.

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Supply Chain Management Essay

Majors in supply chain management focuses on processes of excellence for the organization. Supply chain management focuses of the flow of information, services and goods that target at delivering maximum value to the organization’s customers. Supply management has the responsibility of supplying services and goods that the organization deals with to the customers. They also manage the transformation and conversion processes that target at converting input to output. Supply chain management functions within the scope of organizing, planning and controlling the flow of bought materials within the organization. The Majors gives close attention to the analysis and selection of vendors, price determination and value analysis. Supply chain Majors also have the responsibility of disposing surplus and scrap materials. It places emphasis on the efficient application and usage of transportation by the management of business within the framework of logistics. Supply chain manages resources, procurement, fabrication, production, storage and production. It consists of interconnected components, which are required for the transformation of ideas to delivered services and products.

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The Panama Canal Essay

Example Essay on The Panama Canal:
The Panama Canal is an international waterway that stretches up to 50 miles connecting two large water bodies namely the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans. The record of Panama Canal dates back in 16th century. The water way has since simplified the passage of ships between these two water bodies cutting across the Isthmus of Panama. Since 1819, the Panama Canal has been a property of Colombia until 1903. The United States of America successfully conducted the construction of the canal between 1904 and 1914 as a result of gold discovered in California in 1848. The construction of the canal was important to reduce time and distance traveled between Pacific and the Atlantic. The initial inhabitants of the canal were Indians and U.S citizens. History states that, in 1869, the French government had attempted to construct the canal after the Suez Canal’s construction was completed; that inspired them but failed. The French had first undertaken a project to create the Suez Canal; a project that was successfully completed without much struggle. This motivated the French to rush into starting the construction of the Panama Canal. This canal was not as easy as Suez Canal because the French did not have appropriate procedures and equipments. Hence, France wasted millions of dollars, and still failed due to factors beyond their control. Before the Canal was built, ships used to travel double the distance through Cape Horn. This was the largest engineering project to be undertaken and successfully completed despite the failure by the French. In present day, the canal plays the role of a commercial venture as well as a link in world shipping (DuTemple 32).

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“A Man for all Seasons” Essay

Summary of the movie “A Man for all Seasons”:
In the vision of the poet, the 1530s London is as good as any backdrop against which to pose a question with regards to the love of God, as well as, the nature of Law, the honor demands. Questions that are posed appropriately at the human reasoning, since they cover at every human spirit season in unraveling the mysteries that they are occasionally entrapped in.

The conflict amid Sir Thomas More and King Henry VIII depicts a larger conflict of the times. More in the Play stands for the Civil law, whilst King Henry VIII on the other hands stands and represents the monarchical power. First of all Thomas More asserts and explains that there is the existence of the divine law, and compared to the Man’s law, it is to a greater extent more powerful, but it is rather mysterious and is not known by any individual.

Even though, Thomas More stands for the church law, he does not claim power and authority with regards to those particular issues. In Act One, More asserts that he is not God. He is cognizant of the limits to the knowledge, as well as, power of the individual, comprising the King. A king who cannot put himself at will above the church laws, or the land law to which he has authority over and rules. Over the centuries, Civil law has been availed and established so that it might facilitate an individual to live with regards to the conscience provided with the verity that he avails no harms, as well as, that he can walk safely through a life protected from the misuse of power by others.

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