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Persuasive Essay on Teenage Pregnancy

A persuasive essay targets to inform a particular group of readers about the detrimental impacts of a certain habit or activity. In the same way, a persuasive essay can also be intended to depict the positive side of an argument that is not favored by the majority in a group. For example, the head of communications in a large organization can write a persuasive report that presents the benefits of adopting new communication technology, say videoconferencing. When one writes a persuasive essay, he or she hopes to let somebody know that a change of behavior is necessary. In the end, the person that reads the persuasive essay will realize that he/she urgently needs to change from a costly, dangerous, or outdated practice and adopt a more effective alternative.

Persuasive essays are mostly written when the issue being discussed has a likelihood of being highly resisted. Equally, writing a persuasive essay is the way to go when you are targeting a group of readers who have little or no awareness about the topic. For instance, young people nowadays engage in casual sex with little knowledge about the repercussions. Negative peer pressure and inappropriate media content are to blame for this trend. Over and above this, there are contraceptive advertisements all over that encourage young people to interact freely, knowing that they can always protect themselves when sexual urges emerge. In spite of all this, it is the responsibility of the society to shun premature sex. Parents have a duty to monitor their children’s’ behavior, but adequate information through persuasive essays can be helpful.

The most effective persuasive essay on teenage pregnancy is one that is written using the direct approach. The implication of this is that the essay will begin with a summary of the dangers of teenage pregnancy. Usually, essays written in a direct format are attractive because the main argument catches the reader’s eye instantly. This leads him or her to desire to know the reasons why the writer has made the conclusion presented. Because teenagers often exhibit a tendency of instantaneously dismissing arguments that do not favor them, a direct approach will suppress this urge.

Apart from employing directness in writing, the persuasive essay needs to incorporate recent statistics about teenage pregnancy. The written content of the essay will persuade the readers to change their view of early sexual activity. However, including several statistical examples to highlight the dangers of teenage pregnancy enhances the persuasive effect. For example, the writer can utilize the Internet to obtain statistics about the number of teenage deaths that were caused by unsafe abortions.

In addition, if the writer can get hold of material written by a person whose future was ruined by teenage pregnancy, it would be better. The writer can also obtain the consent of prominent personalities to include their written advice on teenage pregnancy. Because making a decision is a personal matter, the writer can include a certain clause in the essay that encourages the reader to consult the writer for further advice or clarification if he/she needs to.

Do you need help with writing a persuasive essay on this topic? Feel free to order a custom essay online at AdvancedWriters paper writing service now!

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