Posts by Joan Young - Page 7
How to Flow into a College Collective If You Are A Newbie
New people, new traditions, new routines; that is what attracts most people to fresh starts. The idea of moving to a new school, town, or country will have your adrenaline pumping. However, with the excitement comes the fear of blending in with people. The notion will always surface despite propelling it to the back of your mind.
The minute a letter of admission pops into your email feed, the butterflies in your stomach increase twice in number, and the excitement knows no bound. Perturbation may soon follow on how to fit in as a newbie. Let that be the least of your troubles. The following are ways to flow into a college collective if you are a newbie. To focus on new acquaintances without negative consequences for your academic success, we recommend buy essay for college from professionals.
7 Fast and Nutritious Breakfasts for Students With Recipes
According to George Bernard Shaw, there is no love sincerer than the love for food. I could not agree more. Food is the one tool that can make up warring parties and make you forgive the greatest sin. It is vital to watch what you consume because the effects could be very affirmative or equally dire.
As students, food is particularly very important because the metabolism of a student is very high. Most students skip breakfast, not knowing its effect on their bodies. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so how about I offer a hand with some quick, nourishing recipes. The goal is simple, to dine like kings, so let’s get to it. The following are fast and nutritious breakfast recipes for you.
How to Earn Money When You Spend Most Time at College
It seems like life nowadays is all about chasing the bag. Who would not want a cozy, tranquil life where you enjoy the work of your sweat? If you’d take a wager and conduct a survey, you’ll discover 80% of your audience would rather live a sad affluent life than a poor, merry life. These numbers speak for themselves and tell the story.
I have found college to be a very tribulating time in a student’s life. There comes a time when the college student wants to be a roaming bird, let to fend for himself. However, the pulsing question on how to achieve this remains unanswered. Allow me to help you out. The following are ways to earn some money while in college.
How to Plan Your Research Effectively: 6 Steps to Success
Doing research is often even more difficult than writing the academic paper itself. Before starting the process, you need to make a pause and ask yourself, “How do I understand research?” If you clearly see the steps research involves, you’re much more likely to do it effectively and fast.
At this point, you may think, “I know how to research effectively. Research is research: I just google the information, pick the relevant pieces and voilà – this step is done. Now I can get to write my research paper.” Yes, you can do it this way. But what if you google and there are too many controversial or off-topic articles and books? Or, which is much more likely, not enough information you can use in your paper to back up your arguments, and you have no idea where you can find the relevant papers?
How to Make Your Student Life Colorful and Stress-Free?
Stress is one of the issues we can’t avoid completely these days. Our pace of life puts us under pressure, so we need to look for more keys to reduce stress and live a happy and colorful life. Students are especially vulnerable to stress – endless deadlines, huge volumes of materials to read, learn, memorize, the vibrant activities you have to leave behind during exam preparation. When you try to combine learning with active and colorful life, you find yourself even under more stress because, for some reason, the deadlines are flying by even faster, and you keep falling behind.
Don’t forget about added stress for first-year students – very often they have to move out of their town and their parent’s home where they’ve been taken care of and start living a whole new life where they have to assume responsibility for so many things. The first couple of months can seem like hell, and as soon as you get used to the new life, you have to face new challenges – exams, projects, internships. All in all, there’s a lot going on in their lives – and they have to somehow learn to manage all that.