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Research Paper Introduction about Abortion

The attitude towards abortion has always been and still is very controversial. It has, however, changed throughout the history of humanity: for example, it was commonly accepted in the times of Ancient Greece and Rome. On the other hand, the majority of men were against abortion as they felt they were entitled to have a baby. There are a few references to abortion in an Old Testament, where a fetus was perceived rather than an object, not a living being. In other words, there was a law, that if a person causes a miscarriage, he must be punished for that. There are no references to this topic in the New Testament. Later on, abortion in the western world was not considered a crime if done before a certain period, usually before 18-20 weeks. It was a common practice in the colonial America, but was usually kept in secret, as sexual activity before marriage was disapproved by the society. The Abortion Act of 1967 in England fully legalized abortion, but under certain conditions. It states that a doctor has the right to perform an abortion if other two doctors agree that this is done for the sake of the woman. For example, doctors are sure that giving birth to a child will cause physical or mental harm to a woman. Still, there are lots of debates concerning whether abortion should be legalized or not.

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Research Paper Introduction about Smoking

Smoking tobacco has become a usual thing in our culture nowadays. A person with a cigarette is a usual thing: we can see them on the street, actors smoke in films, there are also book characters who smoke, we have relatives or friends who smoke. Starting as mainly as a part of a religious ritual a long time ago, it has become a routine thing for us.

This research paper is aimed at answering the following questions:

  • How has the practice of smoking changed throughout all its history?
  • How smoking influences smokers’ health as well as passive smokers?
  • Why do people smoke? Physiological and psychological perspectives.
  • What are the ways of giving up smoking?
  • Is it right to ban smoking? In what places should smoking be banned?
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Research Paper Introduction about Facebook

A human being is a social creature. That’s why communication is an absolute necessity for people. While there are several traditional channels of communication, new ones appear which has an impact on how people communicate. One of such things is a dawn of social networks. It was not Facebook that was the first social network, but it wasn’t until Facebook was launched that social networks gained worldwide popularity.

Since its launch in 2004 Facebook has attracted more and more users with every passing year. What was the reason for its success? First of all, it gave us a new understanding of communication via the internet.

People has now become closer to each other, having an opportunity to keep in touch no matter how far they are from each other. This has made Facebook one of the symbols of globalization. Not only does it give people an opportunity to communicate, it has also become an independent source of information which people can share independently, if compared to other mass media.

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