Writing Tips, Samples and News for Students

How to Write a College Essay on Yourself

Writing a college essay on yourself is the equivalent of writing a personal statement. You write a personal statement for different purposes, such as when you are making an application for a scholarship, internship, or employment. This means that you have to evaluate the context within which you are writing your college essay. As a college student, you have a lot of pertinent information about yourself that you can include in your college essay.

Nonetheless, an excessively wordy essay bores the reader. You do not want the reader to push your essay aside on grounds of it being unnecessarily lengthy. This is why you should adequately understand the context of your essay, and limit the scope to suit the objective. That said, writing a college essay on yourself must begin by an identification of your personal career objective. More often than not, many college students do not identify a succinct career objective until they are in their final academic year. This is all right, provided you can draft an objective as and when required. A viable recommendation to follow when writing a college essay on yourself is to be acquainted with the objective of the organization or group to which you are writing the essay. To the greatest extent possible, you should align your personal objective with the mission of your potential employer or sponsor. However, this must not be a cut-and-paste job, in which you copy mission statement. The objective should come first in your essay, and should be highlighted either in bold or in block letters.

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