Writing Tips, Samples and News for Students

Cost Volume Profit Analysis Essay

Cost volume profit analysis examines the interaction of a company’s sales volume, selling price, cost structure, and profitability.

CVP analysis is a useful tool in making management decisions such as production, investment, and financing decisions. Wonder Company simulation has to establish various factors that influence its product sales and customer demand. The success of a company is based on how many people are willing to purchase their products at existing prices. Competition is inevitable in case a company does not have monopoly powers. Brand management seeks to promote the presence of a company in the market. Many companies are investing heavily in brand management to improve sales by attracting more customers and retaining existing ones. Company products follow an inevitable life cycle. A life cycle of a product begins with the conception of an idea on what to produce, how to create, and who will constitute a market for the product. The product is then moved to the product development stage, where it is delivered and finally availed to the market for consumers to purchase and use it. After several years in the market, a company might fail to upgrade its product based on existing market requirements leading to consumers opting to use alternative products. Lack of market may result in a company failing to meet its objectives and eventually wound up. In such cases, the company withdraws its products in the market. Brand management takes place in various forms. It begins with the assessment of how customers are relating to a product in the market and proceeding to evaluate how their perception of the product changes with time. Consumer perception of a product significantly determines company success.

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Literary Criticism Essay Sample

1. Comparison of Mary Rowlandson’s and Olaudah Equiano’s Narratives
This paper presents a literary analysis of Mary Rowlandson and Olaudah Equiano’s narratives. Literary criticism involves critical reading and interpretation of text while gaining insights of the underlying themes of the write up. This would help us to expand our understanding of the literal works of Rowlandson and Equiano in order to identify the similarities and differences. Mary Rowlandson in her write up describes her experiences when she was under the captivity of Native Americans during King Philip’s War. The narrative provides a diary of her life accounts as a captive until her release. On the other hand, Olaudah Equiano’s The Interesting Narrative sheds light on his life account when he was taken from his native land in Africa and sold as a slave. He explains about the extreme hardships he faced in the slavery. The narratives are similar because both authors talk about their experiences in captivity in a new land but are different because the captivity had different cultural effect on the authors.
Mary Rowlandson and Olaudah Equiano face a set of hardships as expressed in their narratives. Mary Rowlandson described how she experienced hunger whilst under captivity as her captors did not offer her enough to eat. “I was fain to go and look after something to satisfy my hunger” (Rowlandson 269). It is also observable from the text that Rowlandson suffered injuries and was unable to walk, which necessitated her captors to set her on horseback. She also suffered from emotional breakdown for being separated from her family and deprived of her freedom. She described her captors as barbaric creatures.

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5-Paragraph Essay on Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States, was born on February 12, 1809, and died at the age of 56 on the 4th day of March 1861. Lincoln was the president of the United States for four years, from 1861 to 1865. Lincoln was born in Hardin County in the state of Kentucky in a small cabin. The family had only one room. His parents, Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Hanks were farmers who had a large tract of land that measured 348 acres on which their cabin was situated. His parents were uneducated, however.

Lincoln’s political career began in 1832 when he created a political campaign for a political party known as the Whig Party. This party was based on efforts that sought to improve navigation on the neighboring river. Ten years later, Lincoln married the love of his life, Mary Todd, with whom he had four sons. Unfortunately, one of his four sons did not survive into adulthood. Lincoln’s participation in active national politics took a turn for the better in 1842 when he campaigned and was elected to the US House of Representatives.

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Persuasive Essay on Adopting a Dog

There are numerous reasons why one should make the wise decision to adopt a dog. The first and foremost reason is that one gets to save a life by choosing to adopt a dog. In just the United States of America, more than two million dogs are available for adoption on a yearly basis.

The main reason why so many dogs are available for adoption is that many people give up their pets to animal shelters, and the number of individuals who go to shelters to adopt a dog is small. Unfortunately, many animal shelters do not have enough space to house the pets comfortably and sometimes do not even have enough resources to take care of the pets. These reasons sometimes push animal shelters to tight corners and cause them to eliminate some of the pets that have not been adopted. If more people came up and adopted the dogs, fewer animals would be eliminated or tortured by those who adopt them for weird reasons.

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Essay on Fascism

Adorno (11) posits that the everyday life of the individual is influenced by history, as well as, the daily experiences. It is imperative that every person explores the understanding and reading of literature in the face of societal issues that the human beings struggle to handle. This paper focuses on the usefulness of the play “The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui” by Bertolt Brecht in revealing the perception of fascism and its growth in the present society. By satirizing the Nazi regime, the playwright relies on the text to explain the growth of fascism and the manner in which it spreads.

Various writers have developed content regarding the establishment of fascism in the society, for instance, “The Authoritarian Personality” by Adorno, Theodor who argues that the understanding of fascist’s ideologies are linked to their disregard for social hierarchy where fascists would only want to create a form of monopoly and security for the middle class. The chapters provided focus on the given issues that influence and determine the standard considerations that make a fascist and the different elements that stand out in them.

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