Writing Tips, Samples and News for Students

Essay on “An Anthropologist on Mars”

Investigating cases on behavior and neurology presents a significant number of health ideas. The brain is capable of performing tasks through a finite number of reactions and neurons in the nervous system. In light to this, I decide to go through the works of Oliver Sacks named “An Anthropologist on Mars”. I keenly study the seven cases of patients and colleagues he has highlighted about their extraordinary brains. Each case differs from the other thus depicting the issues on study. From the brain tumor victim to surgeon suffering from Tourette’s syndrome the dimension of the study broaden.

In order for one to be in a position to understand their subjects appropriately, the personality method of investigation is vital. Therefore, spending ample time with your subjects is very crucial in this field. I find “An anthropologist on Mars” fascinating since it gives amn opportunity to view peoples’ brains conditions as well as study them to the letter. The fascinating neurobiological stories explore some of the unique experiences and perceptions of oneself. The saddest thing about the study on disorders of the nervous system and the brain is that the condition of most of the patients is beyond repair. This is irrespective of the diverse scope of knowledge in the book.

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Gasland Movie Essay

The documentary film “Gasland” made by Josh Fox narrates the story of environmental degradation in the USA and its reasons. In particular, the author conducted his own investigation across the country in order to find out whether the grim rumors concerning the hydraulic fracturing were true. The film provides experts’ opinions, witnesses’ recollections and calculations based on observations in order to show that the matter is serious and it must be confronted as soon as possible. It also employed emotional appeals (like love for Nature and desire to be healthy and happy) to peoples values and code of ethics in order to cause a resentment and disgust concerning the terrible things which some people deliberately make.

The author uses the technique of vivid imagery to enhance his argument – each event, location or technological process which could be unknown to its audience and therefore – hinder to view the film without constant interruptions for respective inquiry – were explained.

It has a lot of strong points and only a heartless or a mad person cannot be convinced by this film. As for me, several aspects of this film convinced me that “fracking” is a very dangerous practice and that it should be prohibited. First of all, the film is the result of a natural suspicion which everyone would experience if he or she suddenly received such a tempting proposal.

Second of all, it is filled with testimonies of victims of “fracking” and evidences given by experts in the field of environmental protection, chemistry and so forth. Fox even managed to get the insider information from whistleblowers from institutions which were supposed to regulate the problem in question. And finally, it is clear that Fox had no commercial interest in making this film and that purely ethical reasons forced him to make this research and present it to others.

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Research Paper on Corporation and Security of Staff Devices

In the past, people could only use computers owned and managed by a company, and no one would think of lugging in their personal computers (PC) to use in the company. However, today, many things have become quite different. Many employees use personal devices such as tablets, smart phones, and many other gadgets that promote efficacy in communication.

The use of these handheld devices by the staffs within an organization has provided services as well as a constant connectivity to workers. Despite the merits of new technological devices in a corporation, they are presenting new threats to the corporate assets (Mitchell, 2004).

Research Problem
The employees’ personal devices are causing ongoing concern in most companies concerning information security. For example, there are sensitive corporate information which can easily be transported as well as lost by using these devices. However, the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) movement in most organizations has led to an increasing number of expensive security incidents. The main problem in this case is that most corporations are still relying on the staff personal devices such as personal laptop for business (Loader, & Biggs, 2002).

These ancient devices do not have the same security level than those of the company leading to serious security threats to corporate information. This research proposal will discuss on the use of personal devices within the corporate as well as the security issues associated with the use of these devices (Burke, 2006). The issue of security level has become very problematic to many organizations since the employees using these devices usually jeopardize company security through loss and theft, malware, spam, phishing and Bluetooth (Zachary, 2004).

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The Science and Art of Nursing Essay

Nursing can be expressed as both a science and an art. Nursing has to embrace both science and art of the practice. The field of nursing can be broad and ambiguous. Therefore nurse’s duties are misconstrued causing appropriate boundaries between primary physician activates and nursing activities to be blurred. The effectiveness of nursing is dependent on the interaction of the people in the nursing sector and a developed control of human emotion, discipline, and adequate skillset. The skill, knowledge and judgment that must be exercised by nurses are what are constituted as an art form, because of the level of control involved with the practice. Science aims at expanding the knowledge of the individual and the subject matter involved. This is what relates nurse partitioning as a science (Donahue, 2011). The increase in knowledge that informs and underpins the practice and thinking of a discipline is the science, nature, and art of the study. This short dissertation outlines the elements that make nursing both an art and a science, which when adequately balanced benefit the patient and surrounding practitioners’ experience.

“Nursing is an art: and if it is to be made an art, it requires an exclusive
devotion as hard a preparation, as any painter’s or sculptor’s work; for
what is the having to do with dead canvas or dead marble, compared
with having to do with the living body, the temple of God’s spirit?” (Sienna Heights University, 2013)

Nursing as a Science
Medical Science has had an instrumental role in health. The major focus has been placed on the reliable methodologies and scientific development. According to the American Nurses Association, nurses have a unique role to assist the sick individuals in activities that contribute to health and recovery. The way that nurses fulfill their duties is what will determine whether the act is an art or a science or an equivalent application of both characteristics. The nurse should be familiar with and understand the medical terms, medical procedures, and various medicines administered to patients to provide optimal care patient care. They must also study and thoroughly understand symptoms and precautionary actions to be taken in regard to patient illness. There is a noteworthy constituent of precision to be utilized to facilitate daily medical tasks within the medical environment. Science is a study of precision, facts, and an aim to transform theory to fact. Nurses must be familiar with a plethora of facts on a daily basis. The process of mastering this ability is a science. The mastering of this process delineates a less skilled nurse from an expert (Lynch & Duval, 2011).

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Essay on Language Variation

The following conversation is between Andy an American businessman doing business in London and Carter a British native based in London. The two men are based in the insurance industry. The conversation will be used to differentiate between the American and British language. The readers of the conversation will be in a position to understand various language components. The idea behind the conversation is to understand the importance of linguistic variations.

Andy: what is the main factor affecting insurance business in the United Kingdom?

Carter: The market viability determines the level of insurance penetration. This is manifested by the manner in which the market operates in the long run. A good example is a smaller and larger market size. A smaller market segment implies that the insurance business will not thrive to the maximum. Insurance is all about numbers and understanding how to make adjustments within the course of operations. It should be noted that other factors determine the penetration mechanism. This is an indication that a bigger market size would be better suited to encourage the growth of insurance.

Andy: There is a lot of stuff going on within the insurance sector in the United Kingdom. From my point of view, I think the insurance industry in the United Kingdom is undergoing a different phase as compared to the American market. It is clear that the UK market is undergoing a series of changes aimed at making the industry viable. This is evidenced by the manner in which the industry is undergoing challenges. Unlike the American market, the British market is still on the phase of adapting to the changing environment. This means that the level of insurance penetration is minimal as compared to the situation in the United States.

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