Writing Tips, Samples and News for Students

Growth of the Internet Essay

This is a free sample essay on Growth of the Internet:
The Internet opens up new worlds accessible to anyone with a computer and an Internet server. The Internet can provide the user with a new means of communication, entertainment, shopping and possibly even the answers to the most rhetorical questions on the planet. For instance, Delaware is a small state that relatively few people know much about. Currently there is a Internet site insisting that Delaware is not really a state. The creators of the site say Delaware may not actually be a state at all, but a huge spaceship that crashed eons ago. Maybe, it also is an alien breeding ground or a government test site for intergalactic engines. Whatever the question, whether informative or senseless, the Internet has an answer.

Search engines such as Yahoo and Excite are todays card catalogs. Search engines perform millions of queries each day. Whatever the theme, search engines can usually locate up hundreds, if not thousands of topics, all in matter of minutes. Not so long ago, this required many hours of research at the local library. The Internet contains thousands of images on file. Unlimited information and services are easily accessible. The diversity of materials available on the net goes far beyond the scope of the traditional library.

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Refutation of the Myth Theory Essay

This is a free sample essay on Refutation of the Myth Theory:
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most debated historical event the world will ever see. For those who believe in the resurrection, their hope and happiness is encapsulated within the testimonies of the Bible. For those who reject it, their hope and happiness exists by disproving the evidence of the believers. The fact is simple – disproving the resurrection means disproving Christianity.

It is therefore no wonder why the believers are playing defense as rash and blazon minds try to shut down the key to Christianity. The four main theories set down to disprove the resurrection are the swoon theory, hallucination theory, myth theory, and the conspiracy theory. Using the analogy of an archer and his bows, it is up to bold and resolute Christians to counter the piercing claims the non-believers fire attempting to hit the bulls-eye – the core of Christianity.

The most intriguing of the non-believers theories is the myth theory. It accounts as a post-modernist correlation of the hallucination and conspiracy theory, and is the accepted ‘standard line of liberal theology.’

I decided to choose the refutation of the myth theory for the content and evidence argued is the most factual and objective of all the theories. Also, it is the most interesting and explores a wider base than the other theories.

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Essay on Managing through Continuous Improvement

This is a free sample essay on Managing through Continuous Improvement:
The corporate world in the new economic environment is experiencing a paradigm shift in management thought, where human resources have become the key asset of an organization and strategic human resource management is recognized as an important element to achieve competitive advantage.

The emerging scenario is highly complex, necessitating speed, flexibility, precision, quality and willingness and the ability to change for survival and success. This involves the formulation of a strategy to reorient organizational cultures to bring about openness, transparency, and mutual trust and healthy competition among employees.

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