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Essay on Human Rights

Alexander, Klint. (2003). The implications of the “USA Patriot Act” and US counter- terrorism on international human rights law, Journal of the Society for Advanced Legal Studies. Amicus Curiae, 2003 (49)

With the patriot act as the foundation for his argument, Dr. Alexander Lint looks at different facets of human rights. Basing her arguments further on development studies, human rights, politics and even law subjects, Lint explores the general field of international law in regards to how it applies to human right to life. National as well as international security has been explored as one area where human rights are always under threat. The voice in this peer-review article is that of an authority figure considering that Alexander is a renowned lecturer and scholar. Dr. Lint has worked at the department of political science in Vanderbilt University and is hence highly experienced in the issues of international law and its applications.

Alexander provides various accounts including legislations to look at when focusing on abuse of human right to life. He says it is also important to note that in regards to ‘right to life’ there are several legislations that while protecting individual’s right to life, gives exceptions under which someone can lose the right to life. The European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms’ (ECHR) article number two holds that “Everyone rights to life shall be protected by law” (Brian 2002). This means that the article provision is not an absolute law in itself but a right that is subject to several other exceptions. If a person commits a capital offence and is sentenced to death, they definitely lose their right to life. The same article 2 holds that when it becomes necessary to deprive one of his/her right to life to protect another person from an eminent unlawful violence targeted at them, it is legal. This also applies when the deprivation to the right of life is executed to prevent a person from escaping lawful custody or even in some cases, preventing insurrections that are being mounted against lawful authorities in a state (Mark 2009).

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