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Business System Assessment Essay

This is a free sample college essay on Business System Assessment:
The information methods that can be used in analyzing requirements are the documentation, interview, observation, questionnaire, and the measuring methods. Each method can be an effective way to gather requirements but some can be better then others depending on what kind of business your company does. The documentation method can be an effective method of analyzing requirements if the company already has good documentation. The interview method is a good method to use for companies that are smaller and everyone is in one office. I feel that a face-to-face interview is more personable and more effective then doing an interview over the phone.

The observation method is a good method because it allows you to see how the current processes are done. If the questionnaires ask the right questions and are effective in tracking certain aspects of the business, then this is an effective method. I have never used the measuring method but the book says that it can be a good method for gathering statistical information from the existing system.

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  • 275 words/page
  • 12 point Arial/Times New Roman font
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