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Strategic Planning Essay

This is a free sample essay on Strategic Planning:
A Whole School ICT Policy is a crucial document that describes how and why a school is developing ICT. It should be seen as a dynamic document, which is reviewed regularly. The policy is intended as a statement of the beliefs, values and objectives of the school and aims to ensure that staff can work collaboratively within the context of utilising ICT as a functional tool within school. The purpose of the policy is to both review current practice and plan for the future needs of all in the school. As an essential management tool the policy should encompass aspects of why the school is heading in a particular direction, set realistic goals leading toward the ultimate intention and how milestones will be achieved.

This assignment will discuss key issues in the development of a whole school ICT policy for a secondary school consisting of eleven to eighteen year old pupils. The school intake is 180 pupils per year, with an average of 50% entering the sixth form. The number of pupils enrolled is calculated as 1080 with six classes of thirty pupils in each year, from Year 7 to Year 11 and a Lower and Upper Sixth form of 90 pupils each. I have adopted the strategy that pupils in Years 7 to 9 work in Form Groups of 30, with GCSE Groups in Years 10 and 11 being split into groups of ?.

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  • 275 words/page
  • 12 point Arial/Times New Roman font
  • Free bibliography & reference
  • Double spacing
  • Free formatting (APA, MLA, Chicago, Harvard and others)
  • Free title page
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