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Dissertation on Definition of Justice

Nandrea, Lorri “Having No Hand in the Matter,” in Ackley, Katherine Ann. Essays in contemporary culture, Mason OH: Cengage Learning, 2004. Print

Justice emerged through evolution and advancement of the human civilization to solve the social standoff characterized by the archaic tooth for a tooth tradition of dispute settlement and gender discrimination only served the powerful. Greek philosophy and civilization expound clearly through mythical indulgence, the areas where the society was most affected by injustice and the most affected members of the society. Dispute settlement was replaced by the better version of resolution through a thorough interrogation of the circumstances surrounding each case. This huge departure from the former version eliminated vengeance in reasonable and civilized dispute clearance, ushering the era of justice. Responsibility of wrongdoing could not unnecessarily be apportioned under the new approach. Confusion and resistance of the new approach had a number of ways to be solved, including negotiating with hardliners of the conservative school of thought of the eye for an eye version of dispute settlement. Agamemnon’s family surrounds the themes describing both the earlier and newer version of the civilization under justice development as featured in the works of many scholars specialized in gender studies. This discourse highlights Nandrea’s main points of justice through the evolution of the modern system as highlighted by Aeschylus touching on ancient Greek civilization in his trilogy of related plays.

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