Writing Tips, Samples and News for Students

Tips: Writing a Research Paper on Bullying

Freshmen and students in their first year in high school often fall prey to bullies. Reports obtained from educational institutions indicate that bullying persists even in the modern era. It is not known why people bully others, but it can be concluded that a bully is likely to have an underlying psychological condition that triggers the bullying behavior. On a different perspective, bullying is not only rampant in schools, but has also been reported in family settings. This is mainly witnessed in families where the income is so meager that it cannot support the children that comprise that family. Bullying in families takes a mild form. For example, the eldest sibling taking care of the younger ones might serve himself bigger food portions, leaving the rest to share some insufficient quantity. In the same manner, bullying within the family might be seen where the elder siblings force younger ones to wash their clothes for them, clean their rooms, and run errands for them.

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