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Cause and Effect Essay on Technology

Technology has been part of mans development since the first man took up a dried husk to scoop up water. Over the millenniums technology developed from using stones as rudimentary tools to such developments as sending men to the moon, or probes into our galaxy and beyond. The debate has long raged as to whether technology is the cause or the effect of situations. Water technology, which is vital to mans existence, is an example that mans need drives technology.

Early man simply lived beside Lakes Rivers or streams. Their numbers were small and the supply immense renewed every rainy season. In Egypt, the Nile flooded every year depositing silt. However, to grow crops it was necessary to develop technology. This was the cause or reason for their effort.

They had this fertile soil, a mighty river of fresh water, but to farm they needed to bring water from the river to the fields. They soon developed a system of canals, and buckets mounted on frames to lift water from the river into the canals. The effects were staggering. Not only did they feed themselves, soon they became the breadbasket of the known world. This had further effect in that it caused businesses to develop, trade in many imports and wealth to pay for it. Finally, it paid for further technological development in areas such as military power.

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Cause and Effect Essay on Bullying

In recent decades, one thought of bullying on the college or university level as a form of hazing carried out by upper-classmen on freshmen. Many schools turned a blind eye on the practice, and freshmen simply endured the hazing as a ritual, expecting it to last only for the first year of college. Over time, bullying in colleges and universities has been reduced significantly. This does not, however, mean that our society is bullying-free. In contemporary societies, bullying still takes place, although in different forms. Bullying can take place in schools, at places of employment, and even in neighborhoods, involving adults and children. However, parents often miss the bullying that goes on within their own homes.

For instance, younger children face a significant degree of bullying from their older siblings. For example, whenever elder children are assigned some domestic tasks, they entice their younger siblings to do the tasks for them. Should the latter refuse, they are threatened, abused physically, or denied food.

The causes of this form of bullying are widespread. Research has shown that families in which there is sibling bullying tend to be low-income. In other words, there is substantial scarcity of basic needs to the point that children literally fight over the meager resources available.

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