Writing Tips, Samples and News for Students

List of Thesis Topics in Gerontology for Your Biology, Anthropology and Sociology Classes

Gerontology is a science that interlaces with many other disciplines like biology, sociology, anthropology, psychology, politics, etc. It is a field of studies that explores the process of aging. The most important aspects of this science are monitoring and studying the physical changes of people growing old, their mental alterations or adjustments in their social lives. While you may not study gerontology as your major or even secondary course, it can become a good topic for a thesis paper within your biology, anthropology or sociology class due to their tight connection with the science of aging.

Why should you consider writing an academic paper within this discipline? Because lately the number of elderly has been rapidly increasing, and it means that in the nearest future the demand for gerontologists will grow. The experts predict that by 2050 every fifth person on the planet will be 60 years old. These people will need a special approach to being cared for, treating their mental as well as physical diseases and being a member of modern society. This is an extremely interesting field, that’s why we’ve put together a list of thesis topics in gerontology. By writing an academic piece on one of them, you will understand whether the science of aging sparks your interest or not.

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Sample English Speech about Life “How to Be Successful after Graduation”

Now I’m standing in front of you, having graduated from university and wondering, like the rest of you, just what the future holds. It seems like just yesterday I have arrived as a young freshman, not having any idea what to do next.sample english speech

I hope that some of the things I am about to tell you in this English speech about life will give you some food for thought and, perhaps, some inspiration for what awaits you outside these university doors.

Manage Your Life after Graduation

The best time to thіnk аbоut thе life after grаduаtіоn іѕ bеfоrе graduation. Regardless оf whаt level students аrе іn the соllеgе, аѕ lоng аѕ you haven’t grаduаtеd yet, іt іѕ thе best tіmе tо think аbоut hоw to еntеr thе adult world. This is the ѕuffісіеnt tіmе tо get yourself as the grаduаtеѕ ready for thе rеаl сhаllеngе оf life.

Here are some tірѕ оn hоw to manage lіfе after grаduаtіоn:

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5 Minute Speech Topics on Euthanasia

Writing about euthanasia is important because it is a currently debated topic, one about which laws are being made. It is therefore essential to understand some history behind the issue, how it is relevant today.

If you are assigned with a 5 minute speech on this issue, then you can consider yourself quite lucky. Here you have 5 minute speech topics that are relevant and really interesting. After selecting one from the list, you need to define the purpose of your speech. The purpose might be to inform the readers or to persuade them. If you need help finding the topic you will use, consider the 20 examples below.5 minute speech topics

Remember too that these are meant as guiding examples, and you might find one you want to use as it is, or one you want to slightly edit before putting it into use:

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Unexpected Origins of Common English Idioms

When aiming to enhance your language with vivid expressions, consider utilizing idioms, which can add depth and emotion to your speech or writing, a strategy often employed by professionals from a thesis writing service.

The English language is full of weird idioms. Let’s look back through history to find the origin of a few of them.

‘To Blackmail’ means to demand money from somebody by means of immoral measures like violence, threats, or the potential to disclose private information. The idiom originated in Scotland around 1600. Scottish farmers paid the rent in silver coins. They were known as ‘white money’ and spelled like ‘mail’ or ‘male’. Additional payment, which clan chiefs extorted from the farmers using violence and threat was known as ‘blackmail’. Later, this word was adopted when around 1900 criminals started to send letters demanding money in order not to reveal personal secrets (Dalton, 2014).

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PhD Thesis Writing Guidelines

It is a well known fact how seriously a PhD thesis writing is considered at many universities. Showing an impeccable result is the main thing that is expected from you. Of course, it demands a lot of time and effort, but the result is worth it. However, there are several pitfalls you should avoid, and our task now is to have a look at the process of writing a thesis and ways to make it faster and easier.

The main problem you may face is the constant feeling of anxiety. Writing a thesis is probably the most serious research work you have done in your life.

Anyway, careful planning and following certain steps can make the process of writing your thesis easier. First of all, you have to plan your time carefully. The whole process can be divided into several parts, so you have to spend enough time on all of them. Start with choosing a topic. Chances are you may be interested in some spheres of your field of study more than in the others. Your topic should also be somehow unique and at the same time relevant.

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